Historic Fashions from sallyqueenassociates.com

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Want to know more about dress & appearance at the turn of the last three centuries? We suggest the following books -

Arnold, Janet Patterns of Fashion Volume 1, 1660 - 1860
Ambrose, Bonnie The Little Hatmaking Book: A Workbook on Turn-of-the Century Hats
Ashelford, Jane The Art of Dress: Clothes & Society, 1500 - 1914
Baumgarten, Linda Costume Close Up: Pattern & Construction of Antique Clothing, 1750 - 1790
Eighteenth Century Clothing in Williamsburg
Blum, Stella Eighteenth Century Fashion Plates in Full Color
Paris Fashions of the 1890s: A Picture Source Book with 350 Designs
Victorian Fashions and Costumes from Harper's Bazar, 1867-1898
Bradfield, Nancy Costume in Detail: Women's Dress 1730 - 1930
Buck, Anne Clothes & the Child: A Handbook of Children's Dress in England, 1500 - 1900
Dress in Eighteenth Century England
Calcott, Margaret L. Mistress of Riversdale - The Plantation Letters of Rosalie Stier Calvert, 1795-1821
Cunnington, C. Willett Dress In American Culture
English Women's Clothing in 19th Century: A Comprehensive Guide
Handbook of English Costume in 18th Century
Handbook of English Costume in 17th Century
History of Underclothes
Why Women Wear Clothes
Farrell-Beck, Jane and Colleen Gau Uplift: The Bra in America
Grafton, Carol Belanger Ready-To-Use Victorian Women's Fashion Cuts: 277 different...
Harris, Kristina Collectors Guide to Vintage Fashions
Victorian & Edwardian Fashions for Women, 1840 - 1919
Authentic Victorian Dressmaking Techniques
59 Authentic Turn of the Century Fashion Patterns
Kling, Candace The Artful Ribbon: Beauties in Bloom
Olian, Joanne Children's Fashions 1860 - 1912
Elite Fashions Catalog, 1904
LaMode Illustree: Fashion Plates in Full Color
1,065 Costume Designs from LaMode Illustree
Ordonez, Margaret Your Vintage Keepsake: A CSA Guide to Costume Storage and Display
Queen, Sally Historic Fashions: Turning the Centuries, Calendar 2000
Shannon, Helen and Hazel Ulsethh Victorian Fashions 1880 - 1890
Shep, R. L., Corsets: A Visual History
74 Edwardian Ladie's Tailoring
Federalist & Regency Costume, 1790 - 1819
Late Georgian costume: The Tailor's Friendly...
Late Victorian Women's Tailoring: The Direct System of Ladies Cutting
Tailoring of the Belle Epoque: Vincent's Systems of Cutting…
The Great War: Styles & Patterns of the 1910's
Steele, Valerie The Corset: A Cultural History
Waugh, Norah Corsets & Crinolines
Professional Development, Conservation
Baron, Renee What Type Am I
Booth, Wayne C., The Craft of Research
G. Richard Shell Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People
Phyllis Mindell A Woman's Guide to the Language of Success
Mailand, Harold Considerations for the Care of Textiles & Costumes: A Handbook for the Non-Specialist
Parker, Julie All About Silk: A Fabric Dictionary & Swatchbook, Volume 1
All About Cotton: A Fabric Dictionary & Swatchbook, Volume 2
All About Wool: A Fabric Dictionary & Swatchbook, Volume 3

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